Dave on the Issues
Dave on Public Safety
• Governments first and most important role to protect their citizens. By every measure the ruling democratic party and governor have failed at this priority • Strongly backs the Blue• Opposed the “defund police” measures passed and signed into la...
Learn MoreDave on the 2nd Amendment
Oppose laws which would limit the right of law-abiding citizens to gun ownership. Foid Card should be repealed 2nd amendment is only as good as the fourth amendment. Proud co-sponsor of Illinois Conceal Carry law Life-time A rating with NRA Me...
Learn MoreDave on Healthcare
For vaccines but opposed to mandates I oppose tax dollars being used to bribe families to vaccine Families should decide what is best for their children not the State Supports tort reform & free-market principles. Opposed ObamaCare Covid ha...
Learn MoreDave on Limiting Government
You cannot tax your way into prosperity Government does not have a revenue problem it has a spending problem Government needs to live within its means like you and I You can spend your money better than Government Liberty thrives when government ...
Learn MoreDave's focus on Small Business and the Economy
Improve Illinois job climate and the economy will take of itself. Extending unemployment benefits does disservice to workers. Schools should concentrate on educating students for the jobs of the future. Bring back jobs sent overseas This state wa...
Learn MoreDave's Pro-Life Record & Endorsements
The Illinois Citizens for Life, PAC is again proud to endorse Senator Dave Syverson for Illinois State Senate in the newly drawn 35th district. “We are aware of Senator Dave Syverson’s 100% pro-life voting record and his strong position on Life! ...
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