Dave on the 2nd Amendment
- Oppose laws which would limit the right of law-abiding citizens to gun ownership.
- Foid Card should be repealed
- 2nd amendment is only as good as the fourth amendment.
- Proud co-sponsor of Illinois Conceal Carry law
- Life-time A rating with NRA
Message from Dave
Beyond limiting force by law enforcement, the Democratic majority is seeking to take away Illinoisans’ constitutional rights to defend themselves, their families and their property a little at a time. These Chicago politicians are ignoring the gun violence in the city, and instead going after those of us who seek to own firearms legally. I have maintained my stance on the American right to bear arms by voting against every piece of legislation that attempts to limit law-abiding gun owners from exercising our constitutional rights. A vote for Dave Syverson is a vote for the constitutional rights our forefathers had the vision to include in the greatest legal document ever written, the Constitution of the United States of America.
Voted to authorize Concealed Carry
Voted against: FOID Expansion, Government Confiscation, Increased Fees for Dealers, and Purchasing Age Restrictions.